FCC Music Ministry
The music ministry at Faith Community Church exists to make glorious the praise of God in Christ. We aim at excellence, skill, and depth in musical expression, but more importantly, we aim at genuinely engaging in the truthful, spiritual worship of God. This is what the apostle means when he speaks of “making melody to the Lord with your heart” (Ephesians 5:19). We do not aim at a particular style of music; rather, we desire to sing songs that are true, beautiful, and congregationally appropriate, and to use the musical gifts God has given us to make these songs our own. In addition, we desire to equip the people of God to worship more fully and richly through teaching and providing resources on the subjects of worship and music.
Because corporate worship is such a weighty matter, our musicians are all believers in good standing with Faith Community Church. And because we value skill and excellence, we encourage musicians to actively develop their gifts in such ways as receiving ongoing training, helping train other musicians, and participating in the musical life of Kansas City.
Music Opportunities
Involvement in the music ministry is not automatic, however. We do expect our musicians to be committed believers in good standing with FCC, and we aspire to a high level of musical excellence. Not everyone who desires to be involved will necessarily have a place. Sometimes, those who initially desire to serve musically will find that their gifting lies elsewhere; sometimes a young musician (either in years or in musicianship) will, instead of immediately being placed in the music ministry, be given the opportunity to further develop his gift, being nurtured and taught by one of our more experienced and mature musicians.
In addition, a level of spiritual maturity is absolutely necessary for serving the church in making glorious the musical praise of God. Musicians as a group tend to envy the spotlight, and those who would serve musically must understand their role not as performers but rather as worshipers.
If you have questions about getting involved in the music ministry, please feel free to call the church office at 816-455-0991.