What does it look like to be a faithful giver at FCC?
At Faith Community Church participating in the ministry of giving is a special blessing for believers. The apostle Paul said that the Macedonian believers were “begging with much entreaty for the favor of participation in the support of the saints” (2 Corinthians 8:4).
Our church has a unique policy regarding the weekly collection of offerings: We don’t pass an offering plate! Instead, we have a box in the back of the church where believers can give their offerings. We do this for a number of reasons.
- First, the Bible says that believers should give cheerfully and intentionally (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). When a plate is passed, people often feel pressured to give and they are more likely to give impulsively. Compelled, impulsive giving is not the New Testament ideal.
- Secondly, we do not pass an offering plate because we do not want unbelievers to be asked to give. God does not need their money. Apart from their reconciliation to God through Christ, an unbeliever’s gift is unacceptable to God.
- Finally, we place a box in the back of the auditorium because Jesus said that our giving should be done privately. Jesus said, “But when you give your alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3).
To give via text, please follow these steps:
Text 45777
Message: Dollar amount FCCKC fund designation (i.e. 300.00 fcckc benevolence)
If you are first-time giver, you will be prompted to fill out your banking/credit card information. If you already donate through our system, the gift will go through automatically.
General, Benevolence, Building, Ladies, Mission
If you do not specify a category, your gifts will be deposited in the General Fund to pay the day-to-day expenses of the church. If you have any questions about this, please let us know!